The recipient of numerous certifications and awards, WEBER & SCHAER is one of the best companies in the industry in terms of sustainability. We orient ourselves to the highest standards as a company, and at the same time we also help our partner companies towards more sustainability.
Sustainability as guiding principle and incentive
These days, sustainability and transparency, traceable supply chains, fair working conditions and environmentally-friendly conduct are critically important, and the field of trading in natural rubber and natural latex is naturally no exception. WEBER & SCHAER has been observing a strict Code of Conduct that incorporates our natural rubber suppliers by requiring that they sign up to it. Our sustainability management also provides a self-assessment checklist, which suppliers can use to reveal and rectify any deficiencies they may have.
While our subsidiary Braun Battenberg carefully processes high-grade secondary raw materials, Polymer-Service PSG GmbH is a distributor for sustainably produced plastics such as polyamides from recycling products.
WEBER & SCHAER has the FSC®-CoC and PEFC-CoC certifications and is thus qualified to offer large quantities of designated, sustainably produced natural rubber and natural latex. We also assist our suppliers in obtaining their own FSC® certifications.
Our team is particularly proud of our Gold Rating from the EcoVadis® sustainability platform. This result confirms that our efforts in the area of sustainability are addressing the right issues, and it puts WEBER & SCHAER in the top 2 percent of companies in the industry. By the way, if you or your company is also listed with EcoVadis®, you’ll have quick and easy access to our scorecard (EVID:YV253563).
Active commitment is something that is close to our hearts. As a member of the Sustainable Natural Rubber Initiative (SNR-i), a member of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) with a High-Level Commitment and a supporting member of Fair Rubber, we promote the development of sustainably produced products in our specialized field.
WEBER & SCHAER also supports the Para Rubber Agroforestry Initiative run by the Prince of Songkhla University in Hat Yai. This project is dedicated to the principle of multicropping without the use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides that potentially pollute the environment. It’s an initiative that is paving the way for small-scale farmers in southern Thailand to earn a better living through sustainable agriculture.

An overview of our sustainability measures:
- modern, well-insulated storage facilities
- photovoltaic installations
- Purchase of green electricity
- sustainability management
- Code of Conduct
- Self-Assessment Checklist for suppliers
- FSC®-CoC certification
- EcoVadis® Gold Rating
- Member of SNR-i
- Member of GPSNR with a High-Level Commitment
- Support for the Para Rubber AgroForestry Initiative
- Supporting member of Fair Rubber
- Processing of secondary materials by Braun Battenberg
- Distribution arrangements for sustainably produced plastics through PSG
Feel free to inquire with us about FSC® certification, PEFC certification or setting up a transparent supply chain. Our Sustainability Manager, Hans Evers, is available at any time to answer any questions you may have.
Phone: +49 40 30902-122